Saturday, March 18, 2017

Jesus Breaks Barriers

It's our third day in Costa Rica, and I am already fretting the day we leave.  The scenery is SO beautiful, and the people are amazing.  And it continually blows my mind how much God can say to you without even speaking to you.  The past few weeks leading up to this trip were full of mixed emotions.  I was very excited because it was my first time out of the country and it was my first time to fly.  However, I was stressed out to the max and very anxious about making sure I packed enough clothes and that I didn't forget anything.  Along with that, I was very worried about the language barrier.  Even with seven years of Spanish behind me,  I still hardly use it - give or take the occasional "¡Holá!" and "¿Comó estás?" with the waiter at the Mexican restaurants in Greenville.

But today in Cot, God reminded me of something very important.  Jesus breaks barriers.  Barriers of language, geography, age, background, etc.  He's the link connecting Christians all over the world.  And here in Costa Rica, it's never been so real to me.  Before every meal, our host mom prays.  In the front of almost every yard we pass, there is a cross with a purple sash over it or a sign with part of Psalm 51 written in español in the window.  In the past three days God has opened my eyes and revealed to me how big he is.  God's love and grace are universal.  It reaches out to all of the nations.  John 3:16 is for real.  He did die for EVERYONE because he loves EVERYONE.

Today we spent the day at the school (Liceo de Cot).  The students there are very friendly, and they love talking with our group (and taking selfies).  They love practicing their English (which is muy bien, by the way).  The first half of the day we integrated into the school.  We attended classes with the students and participated in different activities like PE.  The second half of the day was spent listening to a presentation created by some of the older students at the school.  They practiced their English while telling us more about Costa Rica.  Then some students from our group were asked to share about the United States, our school, and where we lived.  We finished out the school day by just hanging out, like normal teenagers.  We were just students, playing volleyball, soccer, basketball.  We were connected through our sports and hobbies with no sign of a language barrier.  It was so cool to see how fast we became friends.

As I've said before, it blows my mind how much God can say to you without even speaking to you.  From these host families we are staying with to the students at the school, I feel like God is not only speaking to me, but shouting very, very loudly.  These families give everything they have, even if they don't have much.  They make sure we are taken care of.  You can definitely feel God's love.  I feel like God is constantly reminding me that this is service.  Putting yourself last and others first.  Serving others while serving God.

Muchas gracias for your prayers!  Please pray for safe travels tomorrow as we leave for Guarari!

Pura vida en Costa Rica!

- Olivia Hupfauer

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